How sanitary is Thailand’s drinking water?


So I recently learned about Traveler’s diarrhea and how common this illness actually is among people who travel to developing countries. Unfortunately, I had to suffer through this the first week I arrived in Thailand, so I wanted to learn more about what causes these unpleasant symptoms. Before coming here, I was warned by several people not to drink Thailand’s tap water or any water that did not come straight out of a bottle. Although the larger bodies of water like ponds and lakes did seem unsanitary, the drinking water that small restaurants served seemed perfectly clean. A study was conducted in 2002 by J. Waikagul who examined the prevalence of waterborne parasitic infections in schoolchildren. Stool samples were taken from 12 schools and results showed that over 50 percent of the children were infected with some species of helminth or liver fluke. Although some children experienced unpleasant symptoms while others were asymptomatic, it was clear that transmission of the parasitic microorganisms was due to ingestion of contaminated water.

Besides waterborne illnesses, Thailand’s water supply is also polluted with household and industrial chemicals, human waste, agricultural runoff, pesticides, and much more. The country’s water treatment facilities are apparently not very efficient in removing these wastes and harmful toxins. Rural communities are especially at risk for drinking unsanitary water due to lack of financial resources and technology; they also have large populations living in a smaller area. However, The World Health Organization discusses several ways that countries like Thailand can overcome these challenges and make changes to water sanitation. Methods may include: combining resources, improving skills, providing health education, and installing effective sanitation systems. These seem like difficult tasks that are easier said than done, but the Thai government has implemented programs and policies over the years so the country seems to be making progress.

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